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  • Confidential: Calls are kept confidential in accordance with the Privacy & Personal Information Act.

  • Accessible: Toll-free, non-judgemental support is available 24/7/365 everywhere in BC.

  • Resources: Resources are provided with consideration of the unique needs of each caller.

  • Evidence-Based: The networks operate by following the better practices model. This ensures that standards and protocols integrate practices from research, accreditation and other evidence.

1800SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) was officially launched on September 10, 2004: World Suicide Prevention Day. The first of its kind in Canada, the network has supported tens of thousands of callers throughout BC ensuring that people have access to skilled suicide assessment and intervention when they need it most.


​The focus is on answering and supporting suicide-related calls. Crisis line workers use evidence-based techniques and a province-wide Emergency Resource Database to support callers. When needed, crisis line workers are able to provide intervention through emergency mental health teams and other emergency services.


Our Guiding Principles



310Mental Health Support
(no need to dial area code)

Crisis Lines provide

empowering support

one call at a time


crisis line
of bc

Crisis Line Association of British Columbia

Crisis Lines provide

empowering support

one call at a time


crisis line
of bc


Crisis Line Association of BC can be reached c/o Vancouver Island Crisis Society.

​ADDRESS: PO Box 1118, Nanaimo, BC V9R 6E7      PHONE: 250-753-2495


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